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  • Writer's pictureTory Whitson

Phase 1 Reopening

Updated: May 11, 2020

Well, this quarantine has been a wild ride! At the start of it we were leaving Blue Haven and getting the horses settled at Lewis Farm; now we've got the horses settled and are ready to have you all join us!

As we are thinking through what that looks like, I'll be adding some temporary new rules and enforcing some old ones more strictly.

1. As soon as you arrive to the barn, wash your hands. This will keep anything from home from joining us at the barn.

2. During tack-up and time spent near other people, please keep a distance of GREATER THAN 6 feet.

3. Don't touch your face, if you do immediately wash your hands.

4. When untacking, wipe down bits, bridles, and saddles with provided wipes.

5. Use your own grooming supplies when possible, if using provided supplies wipe down with disinfecting wipes.

6. Lessons will be in semi-private groups and privates to allow space to social distance during tacking and untacking.

7. Wipe down all door knobs, faucet handles, toilet handles, etc. after using the bathroom with disinfecting wipes.

8. Wash your hands often and keep distance from other people!

(photo from


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